Saturday, August 27, 2011


Did Tonto Ball the Chick. What Chick? The Chick with the bell bottom jeans at the forest preserve last night? That could have been 95% of the girls there. No the groovy Chick, who wanted to Ball everyone. That could have been 85% of the girls there. No the  Chick who was wearing the tie dye T- shirt, Mary said this girl wanted to Ball everybody. I didn’t think Mary slept with any one? No Mary as far as I know didn’t ball any one. Kathy says she only Balls Mitch.. Mitch doesn’t tell me who he sleeps with. This girl wasn’t sleeping with any one she just wanted to Ball Oh! I’m confused, said Ernie. I heard the  girl with the tie die T-shirt  and no bra wanted to Ball the entire Basketball team. I’m on the team and I didn’t get Balled. Well Tonto Balls everyone I hear.He has all the chicks eating out of his hands.His hands aren’t that big. He can’t even palm a basketball. Man what’s wrong with you, were not talking basketball were talking Balling!Well some of the guys are talking about meeting at Dairy Queen and playing some ball afterwards. Maybe the groovy Chick with bell bottoms and no bra will come watch us play. Man you just don’t get it. She doesn’t want to play she wants to Ball. Ball who? Tonto, everybody. wants to Ball Tonto .Tonto can’t play ball tonight he didn’t mow the lawn yesterday he’s grounded. Well who’s  gonna Ball that Chick? Ernie said I don”t know , Why don’t you  fuck the girl? Man she doesn’t fuck  She just Balls. Ernie was confused, He was just a junior. He wouldn’t graduate  until 71. Birds were still birds and Bees were still bees. He let the ball rest in that other guys corner.

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