Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Loonies

              The Loonies

Ernie didn’t want to go out and play anymore. He’d finally had it.He’d always get into trouble. It wouldn’t matter what precautions he took. The loonies would fine him. Disguises didn’t even help.
   One day Ernie dressed up as Napoleon and went out for a walk.At the very first stop light he came to a couple of weirdos asked him to be their leader. Seems they wanted to take over the world. Ernie simply said,”No thanks,” and gave each of them a Kool, That’s all they really wanted anyhow. Ernie was just to sensitive for his own good.
    Ernie walked toward the beach. Two beat cops stopped him, thinking he had a gun in his coat or something. They opened his coat and found him clutching a picture of a woman to his chest.As one of the cops was looking at the picture, Ernie’s ex-wife, whom he hadn’t seen in three years, strolled by with her new baby. The cops stopped her and said,” this weird guy here, dressed up as Napoleon, has a picture of you. She just smiled and told them Ernie was an old friend who sometimes did crazy things.
     The cops let Ernie go and told him dress more appropriately if he didn’t want to be hassled. Ernie got a six pack and went back to his apartment. He put on Judy Garland’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and opened a beer.A female voice said” Cute Ernie,” and hung up. Ernie always got caught.

1 comment:

  1. a beer. The phone rang and Ernie answered. A female voice said Cute Ernie and hung up. Ernie always got caught
